Research software
QIIME, The Quantitative Insights into Microbial Ecology, a widely used package for the investigation of microbial community data. (pub)
BIOM, The Biological Observation Matrix, a candidate file format and API with the Genomic Standards Consortium for representing -omics data. (pub)
pyqi, An API to abstract business logic from interfaces.
scikit-bio, A BSD-licensed set of core objects, functions and statistics for working with biological data in Python
PICRUSt, Phylogenetic Investigation of Communities by Reconstruction of Unobserved States used to predict metagenomic (and other) annotation profiles from 16S data. (pub)
tax2tree, A tool to automatically decorate a taxonomy onto a phylogenetic tree. (pub)
…and the random
Readgood, a speedreader inspired by Spritz.
verman, a Python version object.
Powerpointing-is-rude, a terminal based slide presenter.